A Pleasure To Meet You Here!


Michele Ho Lung

Author | Mentor | Business Process and Empowerment Coach |

Founder of Sparkle-Chi™


Your Power Within


Your Inner Sparkle


Your Goals and Dreams

" BE CEO OF YOU With Focused

Clarity as You Design & Manifest

your Best Life At Home and At Work"

The Transformation and Empowerment Coach - Brings her Energy of "Sparkle" to the Table!

Michele is a powerful, Transformation Empowerment Coach.

With a Corporate Background as a Quality Manager, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor and a process thinker, she sees the Big Picture (40,000 Foot View) and drills down to the ground level details, to help and support her clients in tackling challenges, simplify their business processes and optimizing their time and efforts.

She works with individuals, small groups and teams and speaks on stages about how to Be CEO of You, Engage Hearts And Minds and About Powerful Tools to increase your efficiency and effectiveness at home and at work.

Michele works with individuals and groups on-line and in person in live workshops and meetings.

So.....What is Sparkle-Chi™?

Sparkle-Chi™ Coaching Sessions

Michele also has a energy healing practice, where she does energy work on clients who are open to her Sparkle-Chi™ energy healing modality. Sparkle-Chi™ could be the answer you've been searching for all along, if you have:

* Tried everything - nothing has worked so far, been doing certain things with your full commitment and results are frustrating

* You've experienced a shift on a group call in-person or on-line with Michele in the past and would like to go deep Or...

* You are open-minded and a go-getter always ready to act on opportunities that show up

* You at some level realize that everything is energy and vibration (even if you're unwilling to admit this openly or just curious

* You know you need to go with your knowing on this deep down

* You're getting to the end of your rope

* You'd almost given up perhaps, hope of a solution

* You don't know how you got to this page ... and it feels right and good to be here!

Nothing here is a Coincidence.

Let Michele mentor you to Be CEO Of You™, as if you are your own company.

Take Your Passion and Your Vision to the Next Level!

Work With Michele


  • Sparkle Empowerment (12 Month Program)

Be CEO of You™ SYAMM Program**

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.


Starts JULY 2024. Early Bird FAST ACTION First 5 People $697 CAD, Then Price For this 12 month Program Goes to $1397 CAD***Triple Lock Guarantee

** Sparkle Your All Mentorship Membership Program
- Join Michele LIVE on Zoom for the Modules and Q&A Calls PLUS Access 24/7 the Replays In The Membership Portal and So Much More!

BONUS "LIVE" Group Sparkle Sessions

NOTE: email [email protected] to get notified of updates and upcoming Workshops and Programs with "Notify Me " in Subject Line of email.

FREE Breakthrough Call

15 minutes to identify your best strategic move.

It's ONLY a phone call...

To see if we resonate with one another...

Michele shoots straight from the hips...

And, is always happy to meet new people, including yourself.

Not sure? Watch any episode to see her with her Co-host Jeremy Gaul in Action "The Sparkle Experience" Tab on this Website's Menu.

***Triple Lock Guarantee. Your money back plus $1000 USD , if you don't experience more ease, joy and flow in getting to your desired results After You Have Made ALL Michele's Moves, in this year long program.



Amazing opportunities to accelerate your progress in achieving your desired results with Michele on Your side of the Court coaching, supporting and Sparkling you. Gain and maintain your Energy, Clarity and Focus in a powerful way. Available to a Select Few - LIMITED Spots * By APPLICATION ONLY $30,000 USD/Year & UP

Doing the SAME Old... in the SAME way... with the

SAME mindset and...the

SAME routine AND

Expecting Something Different?

Accountability, Support, Empowerment and Coaching with a uniqueness, and Different than any you've had before, with Sparkle! Triple Lock Guarantee ***


  • * *Needs & Gap Assessments... evaluate and optimize your processes, relationships and systems.


Over stretched yourself and have to perform on state at top game?...THERE IS A SOLUTION

CONFERENCE (Host & Speaker) - SOS Energizer Boost, Clarity Enhancer and Chakra Alignment Session (Remote Sparkle-Chi™ Sessions for Optimum Stage Presence & Performance).

* In person - Custom Packages. Travel and Per Diem Expenses additional.

REMOTE Sessions Conducted via Zoom with Camera and Audio ON at all Times.

Unleash Your Inner Brilliance - So You Sparkle and Shine!

Turn Your Vision into Reality.

Get Aligned And Laser Focused

Build Bridges and Pathways to Your Goals and Dreams

Acknowledge Your Inner Knowing & Power

Activate Your Divine Sparkle & Plans

Achieve Your Goals & Dreams

Unleash Your Business and Inner Brilliance

Simplify the complex with ease, joy and flow

Unleash Your Business and Inner Brilliance

Get beautiful shifts and results as you unleash your inner brilliance. When you feel good, you can then perform at your optimal level with clarity and laser focus. Michele Ho Lung, is Founder of Sparkle-Chi™, can get you to feeling not just good, but amazing with her gift of Sparkle.

Acknowledge your power within. Activate and ignite your inner spark and get empowered to Achieve and maximize your impact, income and influence having focused clarity, energy and peace within.

Wish to Go Deeper to master and truly Be CEO of You™ ?

Michele provides guidance, training and support in addition to this special gift of uplifting, healing energy, that empowers you to continuously move forward with more ease, flow and peace. Apply to enroll in the Sparkle Your All Mentorship Membership Program and get her proven system, processes and tools, exclusively in her Sparkle SystemApproach™

Michele as Mentor...

Guiding You to Life Changing Possibilities

Revealing the Path to Fulfill Your Purpose, Vision and Greatness

Empowering Business Owners to Scale and Thrive

Invest in Your Business, Your Success,

Your Self as CEO

Acknowledge Your Brilliance, Activate Your Inner Power, Achieve Your Goals & Dreams

More Ways Michele Has Helped Her Clients...

Mamie Jean Lamley

Author, Empowerment Mentor

At the event (I was running), the biggest difference for me was Sparkle...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Joel Bauer

Mentor Of Mentors

She says she has a gift and I think she may...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Pam Heath

The YES Coach

When things come at you harder.. when you are frightened, overwhelmed and you need someone to tell you to turn left... She's helping you take accountability for your life.

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Betul Ekmekci

Associate Teaching Professor, Coach

I was amazed...she explained the process...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Dorel Samoila

Financial Advisor, WFG

Working with Michele has got me 2.2 times year over year increase in revenues and 2.5 times, recruits...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Lotus Dawn Goldkuhl


She not only does amazing energy work but simplifies ......

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Anh Truong


[PTSD-trauma thinking her daughter had drowned]...Without Your help, I would not have been able to step out of that Cloud. Not a nice feeling

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Jeremy Gaul

Your Chief Technologist

Before I met you...I had constant back pain - that takes a toll... Without you I would not be on same track where my business is growing and doubling every year since I met you.

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Ruby Wight

Coach, Pilgrimage Tours

I was a skeptic...Go See Michele

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Sandra Cortes Rodrigues

HR Manager

Michele is a great coach, more than that she is a great listener...when you talk to her you can come up with your own answers...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Ron Quizon

Real Estate ...

If you had told me talking to you on the phone would get me out of the place I was in I would not have believed you...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Karen Yee


Every Session I learn Something New and Something Good Always Happens...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Wilma Monje

Research Analyst

When I first came to you...I had so many aches and pains, so many issues at work...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

DK Warinner

Founder - Center of Calmness

She took the data and showed me...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Ann Guindi

Serial Entrepreneuer, Investor, Award Winning Coach

Simple Profound Exercises...

Note: The experiences described in the testimonials presented today are not necessarily indicative of the results others may expect to achieve. Results will vary.

Get In Touch

Assistance Hours

Mon – Weds 9:00am – 4:00pm;

Thurs 9am - 11am

Fri 9 am - 5 pm

Weekend – CLOSED

Unleash Your Brilliance.- Sparkle & Shine From Within

Simplify the complex with the Sparkle Approach and System!

© 2024 MHL Consult Inc - All Rights Reserved

Alberta, Canada